Thursday, April 10, 2014

Genetic Engineering

April 11, 2014
E.Q: What is genetic engineering and how does it impact our world?
Obj: I can pull out essential information from informational text and relate it to the novel.

Using only characters from previous books we have read this semester, respond to the prompt.


Update -
Tomes Away From Home added this great idea:

 I do a version of this using characters from totally different texts with the Washington Post’s “Date Lab” format (Think No Country For Old Men’s Anton Chigurh on a date with Persepolis’ Marjane Satrapi as a grownup). It’s a good way to test for understanding of character motivations and behavior and analysis and a nifty way to work in creative writing.

And here’s a link for the Washington Post “Date Lab” series.


1.  With a partner read the following:
Page 187, Paragraph starting with Twenty-two
Page 201, Paragraph A sudden noise...
Page 208, First paragraph.

How are these all examples of genetic engineering?

2.  With that same partner create a Graffiti Wall.
The topic of your wall is Genetic Engineering/ Genetic Modification.

The end result should look something like this:


Answer the following questions in your wall.

  • What is genetic engineering?
  • How does it occur?
  • Where does it occur?
  • What are the pro's and con's?
  • How would it impact plants, animals, and humans?
  • What are the ethical issues?
  • What is your opinion and why?
  • List examples from Brave New World.

Use these websites to help answer the questions.

3.  Partner Read
Bottom  212-216

4.  Individually write a TPEQEA paragraph based on this question:
If you are genetically engineered, are you a free person or a slave for science?
Use evidence.

How do you think GM will impact your future?

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