May 1, 2014
You have now read two of the three competitions which compose the TriWizard Tournament.
If you were in charge of creating the events, what would the last event be?
Think of something outlandish and mystical!
Be creative and write at least a half page response.

1. Partner Read
With a partner look back to the events that happen during the second task.
You will be using this information for YOUR second task.
Pages 495-503
2. The Daily Prophet
You will be writing a feature story of the events from the above reading.
Make sure that you use your own voice and put your own spin on the events.
A nutgraph.
This sentence explains what the whole story will be about in one sentence.
It answers the questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how.
An introduction.
Grab the readers attention.
Provide a reader with a quick glance of what your story is all about.
The article
What is the whole reason you are writing this article?
What story do you want to tell?
What lasting impression do you want to leave your audience with?
Include an illustration to support your story.
If you have questions ask me or visit these great resources.
3. Achieve 3000
Please complete all activities that go along with the article.
How does this article relate to conflicts we have been talking about?
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