Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Daily Prophet

May 1, 2014

You have now read two of the three competitions which compose the TriWizard Tournament.  
If you were in charge of creating the events, what would the last event be?
Think of something outlandish and mystical!
Be creative and write at least a half page response.


1.  Partner Read
With a partner look back to the events that happen during the second task.
You will be using this information for YOUR second task.
Pages 495-503

2. The Daily Prophet  
You will be writing a feature story of the events from the above reading.
Make sure that you use your own voice and put your own spin on the events.

A nutgraph.
This sentence explains what the whole story will be about in one sentence.
It answers the questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how.

An introduction.
Grab the readers attention.
Provide a reader with a quick glance of what your story is all about.

The article
What is the whole reason you are writing this article?
What story do you want to tell?

What lasting impression do you want to leave your audience with?

Include an illustration to support your story.

If you have questions ask me or visit these great resources.

3.  Achieve 3000
Please complete all activities that go along with the article.

How does this article relate to conflicts we have been talking about?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


April 30, 2014

E.Q: How does themes in Harry Potter connect to our lives?
Obj: I can make connections between the text and the real world.

Unpack the Quote:

 It is the great sadness of our species that we have not found a way to eliminate the conflict and to eliminate violence as a device to resolve our conflicts throughout the entire history of the human race.


1.  Harry Potter Trivia

Your table will be asked a series of questions relating to Harry Potter and conflict.
 If you get that question correct you will earn set amount of points.
Some questions pertain to plot, some require making inferences, some relate to real world situations, and some are just fun. 

Try and earn as many points for your team!!

2.  Connection 
Think back to one of the articles you located during trivia.
Flesh out the problem.
You may freewrite or use TPEQEA to elaborate and expand.

How does conflict influence change?

Monday, April 28, 2014

The First Task

April 29, 2014

E.Q: How does conflict result in change?
Obj: I can create a visual based on the text.



friends should be nice 

Thinking about the prompt, how can we all be better friends to each other?
How would this help decrease arising conflicts?


1.  Partner Read
Half of 344-Top of 345

2.  Comic Strip
What would this all look like visually?
Create a comic strip depicting the first task.

10 points for vivid dialogue
10 points for creative flair
(How will you comic stand out from all the others?)

3.  Gallery Walk
You will be walking around, reading each others comics.
Give your peers feedback. 
One positive.
One delta.

4.  Voting
You will also be given one marble. 
Place the marble in front of the comic that you think is the best.
You CANNOT vote for yourself.
 The team with the most marbles will earn an extra 15 points.
Second place will earn 10 points.
Third place will earn 5. 

What do you think is inside the golden egg?

Chapter 23

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Real Life Conflicts

April 28, 2014
Making Predictions.
What do you predict will happen during the Triwizard Tournament?
What is the Goblet of Fire?
1.  Partner Read
Refresh what you read over the weekend.
Look at pages:
2.  Application
Professor Moody claims, "You've got to appreciate what the worst is" (217).
What do you believe is the worst?
How do you appreciate and accept it?
Write a short response to the above questions.
(3-5 sentences)
3.  Partner Read
What conflict comes to exist throughout the above pages?
How will this conflict influence a change?
4. Conflict
Conflict surrounds us.  Whether we choose to accept it or not, it is everywhere.
Think of a conflict or problem that is present in our world.
Personal Conflict: Not having good self-esteem
Global: Bullying
Pick one conflict and research it.
How prevalent is this issue?
Are there solutions?
What can be done?
Write one TPEQEA paragraph explaining the conflict/problem.
Then write one TPEQEA paragraph explaining a possible solution.
5.  Class Discussion
What issues did you all focus on?
How can we help?
What is one thing you can do today to help make this world a better place?

Friday, April 25, 2014


April 25, 2014

You will be taking the last benchmark of the semester today.
You must complete all of it.
You also must receive a 75%.
It is titled Last Benchmark For Real.

When you are done you may begin reading ch. 14.

We will discuss both chapters in class on Monday!

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


April 24, 2014

E.Q: How does conflict allow for change?
Obj: I can identify the elements of conflict in HP.


What lesson do you think is most important?
From what other characters have you learned valuable information about life?
What was it?


1.  Partner Read
Pages 128-130

2.  Mind Mapping
Your Theme is Conflict.

If you answer ALL questions you will earn 10 points.
If you include a picture, with color, you will earn an additional 5 points.

How is conflict defined?
What is the present conflict in HP?
Include at least 3 direct examples from the text.
How will the conflict facilitate change?
What is a possible resolution?
Make at least 3 predictions of what will happen due to the Dark Mark.
What do you think the Dark Mark looks like?
 Which quote captures the entire chapter?
Interpret it.

3.  Character Journal
Assume the role of either Harry, Ron, or Hermione.
Write a journal entry as if you just witnessed the Dark Mark.
What did you see?
Who do you think did it?
How do you feel?
What is going on in your head?
Write at least a one-page, hand written, response.

This is your opportunity to tell a story.  Be as creative as possible.

What is a conflict you have in your life?
What is a possible solution to your problem?

Read ch. 12

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let the Games Begin

April 23, 2014

E.Q: How do you know what is real and imaginative?
Obj: I can identify literary devices in text.


The following ten statements require a yes/no response.  Please explain your reasoning.

1.   I believe in magic. 
2.  Mermaids are real.
3.  What you can imagine can become reality.
4.  I would greet any challenge that met me with enthusiasm.
5.  There is a possibility that wizards and ghosts are real.
6.  If my friend was in danger I would risk my life to save him/her.
7.  I wish I could go to Hogwarts.
8.  Dumbledore vs. Gandalf, who wins?
9.   If I could have a special talent it would be…
10.  I look forward to reading Harry Potter.

1.  Your House Crest
There are 4 houses in Harry Potter.

Your table will be your house.

Create a crest to represent your "house".
 Each house will earn points by correctly identifying elements of the story.
Whichever team has the most points wins.

2.  Table Reading
Taking turns, read ch. 2, The Scar.
Pages 16-25

3.  Literary Scavenger Hunt.
With your table find one example of each:
Connotation- the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning
Denotation-the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression

Setting- the location and time frame in which the action of a narrative takes place

Characterization- a step-by-step process wherein a character of a story is brought to notice and then detailed upon in front of the reader.
Foreshadowing- to show or indicate beforehand

Write down the example and page number.
Whichever team completes this task first wins for the day!!

What do you predict the "Goblet of Fire" is?

Read chapter 9 for tomorrow.
Chapter 8 is optional.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Research Wrap Up

April 22, 2014

 How was your long weekend? Tell me your tale. 

1. Partner Read
Find a partner next to you and swap your papers.
It may help to revisit the rubric before giving feedback.
You must write down 2 Positives and 2 Deltas.

2.  Reflection
Consider what your partner wrote.
How can you revise your paper to jazz it up a bit?

3.Introduction and Conclusion

Things to consider:

Introduction: Overview of the concept you’ll be discussing.  Questions to consider: What is your topic?  How long has this concept been around?  What are the general opinions of it?

Conclusion: Explain what conclusions you have drawn based on your research.  Review what the research is lacking; what still needs to be studied, understood, argued?  What don’t we know?  What questions remain?  Why?  Explain why any further research is necessary (What do we stand to gain from filling that gap?) and how such research might better help us understand the issue at hand.

4.  MLA Works Cited
Don't forget the works cited!!


 What steps do you need to complete to earn 100%?!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Work Day #2

April 17, 2014

E.Q. Why is my essay topic relevant to BNW and our society today?
Obj: I can construct strong body paragraphs that include textual evidence that support my argument.

Reread all of the information you have gathered and the rough draft you have completed thus far.  Decide whether or not you have enough information to strongly support your argument.  Also, think about whether or not your first paragraph develops a strong connection. 
Once again set  a S.M.A.R.T. goal to achieve by the end of the block.

1.       What Needs to be Done?
 Based on the amount of time you had yesterday you should have been able to find a majority, if not all, of your sources.  If you need to find more credible sources take another 20 minutes to research.

2.       Organization of Ideas
If you have completed the above step, make sure you have a rough outline.  This will help you organize your ideas, allowing the paper to flow more fluidly.

3.        First Body Paragraph
If you have completed your research and outline, the next step is to write you first body paragraph.  (How does your topic relate to BNW?)

4.       The Paper
If you are an all-star and already have completed steps 1-3 continue writing.  You should roughly have 6 paragraphs for the final product.  Work at your own pace, but here are some suggestions:
Complete the remaining 5 paragraphs by working at a pace of 1 paragraph per 15 minutes.
Complete 4 paragraphs, leaving 1 to do outside of class, at 1 paragraph per 20 minutes.
Complete 3 paragraphs, leaving 2 to complete at home, at 1 paragraph per 25 minutes.

5.        Side Note
I will give you time in class on Tuesday to complete your introduction and conclusion.

Bear in mind this essay is due on Wednesday, April 23.  Create a 5-step plan for you to follow in order to meet this deadline.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BNW Work Day

April 16, 2014

E.Q: How does my topic relate to BNW?
Obj: I can find credible sources.
I can prepare an outline.
I can develop paragraphs for an argumentative paper.

What topic will you be researching?
Why did you choose this specific topic?
Create a S.M.A.R.T goal for the class period.

1.  In order to begin your paper, you must do the research!
Use the first 30 MINUTES of activity time to find credible sources with supportive information.

2.  Create an Outline
All good writers start by organizing their thoughts.
Take 15-20 minutes

3.  Develop a Working Thesis 
5-10 minutes

4.  Time Remaining
Develop your first body paragraph.
First body paragraph: Relationship to Brave New World.  How does (or could) this concept play out in Huxley’s novel?  

2nd Body paragraph: 
Questions to consider: What is the history of this concept/topic?  How does it work?  What is the general public opinion of it?  What are some consequences/side effects?  How is this a hot topic for today?  What (if any) are the ethical issues with this concept/topic?
What went well today? What do you need to work on to be prepared for tomorrow?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Finishing BNW

April 15, 2014

E.Q:   How was BNW ahead of its time?
Obj: I can use technology to inform.


Think about the following quote:

Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we desire will ruin us.
Neil Postman

Which do you fear more and explain.

1.  Continuation of Yesterday's Website Activity

1.  Please go to
Enter an e-mail address and password.
Begin creating.
On your website, you must include:
The name of your technology
What it is
Interesting Facts
The pro's and con's
The impact it will have on society
Why did you choose it?
Make sure you publish the site and share the link with me!
(20 minutes)
2.  Ch.  17 & 18 Lit Circles

1.Discussion Director- Asks questions and keeps conversation going.
2.Literary Luminary- Draws the reader to important passages
3.Connector- Makes connections between the text and real life situations
4.Analyst- What does it all mean?
5.Illustrator- What does this look like?  Create an image.

You will go around the room counting by 5's.
Remember who is in your group of 5.
That is who you will be working with.
Based on your role, you will meet with your peers in the same position for 15 minutes. 
Use this as your prep time for conversation!

Then you will come back together with your original 5 and discuss the remaining chapters of BNW.

3.  Research Paper

You will write a 5-7 page research report on one of the topics listed below.  This report will need to include the following:

Introduction: Overview of the concept you’ll be discussing.  Questions to consider: What is your topic?  How long has this concept been around?  What are the general opinions of it?

First body paragraph: Relationship to Brave New World.  How does (or could) this concept play out in Huxley’s novel?  

Body paragraphs: Questions to consider: What is the history of this concept/topic?  How does it work?  What is the general public opinion of it?  What are some consequences/side effects?  How is this a hot topic for today?  What (if any) are the ethical issues with this concept/topic?

Conclusion: Explain what conclusions you have drawn based on your research.  Review what the research is lacking; what still needs to be studied, understood, argued?  What don’t we know?  What questions remain?  Why?  Explain why any further research is necessary (What do we stand to gain from filling that gap?) and how such research might better help us understand the issue at hand.

Each topic has a list of available resources for you to peruse.  Just because I have listed the link does not make them all necessarily incredibly accurate.  The information comes from credible sources, but some of them have strong opinions with which you may not agree.  Your job is to decide which information is worthwhile and/or relevant, and which isn’t.  You are welcome to use alternative resources; HOWEVER, you will need to vet your sources (in other words, make sure your sources are legitimate and not lame websites someone threw together).   Please see the rubric for details on the kinds of research you will need in order to complete this assignment satisfactorily.  


25 points
21 points
18 points
15 points
There is a clear, cohesive argument in every paragraph.  The paragraphs transition well from one to the next.  This paper is a synthesis of research, rather than a summary of research.  
The paper provides a clear argument instead of merely summary.  The paragraphs may not transition well.  This paper is a synthesis of research, rather than a summary of research.  
The paper alternates between argument and summary.  The paper does not seem to be organized in a particular fashion.
There does not appear to be an argument.  You are simply repeating research you found.
Usage of at least 6 scholarly sources.  Almost all body paragraphs feature at least two quotations from different sources.
Usage of at least 6 scholarly sources.  All body paragraphs contain at least one quotation.  Paper utilizes all sources equally.
Usage of at least 6 scholarly sources.  All body paragraphs contain one quote.  Paper may lean heavily on one source.
Usage of at least 4 scholarly sources.  The paper may lean heavily on one source.
Paper varies the following:
-verb choice
-sentence starters
-word count
Paper varies at least three of the stylistic features, but may have occasional lapses in stylistic variation.
This paper may attempt to vary one aspect of style.
This paper does not have stylistic variation.
This paper has fewer than 6 spelling/grammatical errors.  This paper meets all the guidelines of MLA.
This paper has fewer than 12 spelling/grammatical errors.  This paper meets all the guidelines of MLA

This paper has fewer than 12 spelling/grammatical errors.  This paper may not meet all the requirements of MLA, but still makes an effort at citing sources properly.
The grammar/spelling errors in this paper make it difficult to read.  This paper does not meet the requirements of MLA.



Classical Conditioning:

Genetic Engineering:

Genetically Modified Food:

Which topic appeals the most to you and why?
Give one example of how this ties to an idea seen in BNW.