March 20, 2014
E.Q: How does power exist for the Brotherhood?
Obj: I can pull out essential information from a text.

1. Get back together with your partner from yesterday.
Take 5 minutes to add your finishing touches.
2. Gallery Walk
Look at the posters your peers made.
What is shocking?
Do you agree or disagree?
Leave each poster a positive and a delta.
3A. Brainstorming Carousel
Each table will be assigned a chunk of text:
167-top of 175
175-top of 182
Read through this section with your group, and choose ONE quote that is essential to that chunk.
Write this quote on the whiteboard.
3B. Once everyone has chosen a quote, we will rotate around the room interpreting each quote.
3C. When everyone returns to their seats, look over the comments.
Taking turns, you will explain why you chose that quote and what your classmates interpreted.
Predict what type of relationship Winston and O'Brien will have.
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